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Doodah is an interchangeable dog toy welcoming the idea of sustainability within the pet industry. It allows freedom to personalise the toy to suit each dog, as each set of five comes with two tugs, two chews and a fetch attachment. All of which are within the dog’s colour spectrum, for the ultimate play time experience between dog and owner. It was reported that average sized dog has twice the carbon footprint of an SUV, the circular system of returning and recycling helps combat this, whilst still having a functional dog toy.


Product Design, Packaging, Branding



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The branding aspect was inspired by the connection of each attachment. 

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Web & Mobile

By creating a website and subscription service it helped with customer loyalty and personalisation, which will make any dog owner feel special. 

The System

The concept is to form a continuous cycle to improve the sustainability and life cycle of the product. By returning and replacing used toy parts Doodah can make sure it is recycled properly.

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